Sure sign of the apocalypse
Bono, lead singer of U2, was being interviewed by Tim Russert on Meet the Press on June 26, 2005, to promote a concert series to aid Africa. On several occasions, Russert attempted to bait Bono into criticizing the United States and President Bush. Thankfully, Bono -- in a move totally out of character with his celebrity status -- refused to stoop to that level. His reaction:
("Upon further review", it occurs to me that Bono is Irish. So perhaps he hasn't been quite as tainted by the asininity that most American celebrities display proudly.)
I love America. I believe in America. It offs me, it upsets me, when the rest of the world thinks America is not doing enough. The president is right to say they're giving a quarter of all aid to Africa.To use Bono's words, I bet Russert was "offed" and "upset" after lobbing softballs at Bono that he refused to swing at.
("Upon further review", it occurs to me that Bono is Irish. So perhaps he hasn't been quite as tainted by the asininity that most American celebrities display proudly.)
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