Brendt's Bloomin' Blog

In Which Brendt commits to electrons the things that spill out of his head

Friday, April 08, 2005

Can you say "slippery slope", boys and girls?

It's Terri Schiavo, all over again, except with a few differences that make it even worse. The victim of the yanked feeding tube this time is Mae Magouirk of Lagrange, GA. The one who had it yanked is her granddaughter, Beth Gaddy.
  • The whole Schiavo battle revolved around hearsay of what Michael claims that Terri said to him.
  • Mae Magouirk has a living will that states that she wanted to live.
  • Michael Schiavo was Terri's next-of-kin, from a legal standpoint. Technically, his medical decisions came first (even if they were stupid and self-serving).
  • At least 3 people are legally closer to next-of-kin to Magourik than Gaddy is -- all of whom want her to live and are willing to take full responsibility for her.
  • Michael and some of Terri's doctors claimed that Terri was in a vegetative state.
  • Mae was neither terminally ill, comatose nor in a "vegetative state" when admitted to the hospice that is "over-seeing" her murder. These were the only conditions under which Magouirk did not want to be kept alive.
The one other issue that these two cases have in common: once again, our wonderful "legal" system is thumbing its nose at the law, and siding with Gaddy.

If I haven't made you nauseous enough, here's the full story.